A Live View From Crate Marine

For a live view of our harbor follow the link below then follow the instructions to login for a live view from 5 different cameras.

To view on a mobile browser the app is required and you must carefully follow the below instructions. Chrome is the preferred Desktop Browser.

Desktop Instructions
Using Google Chrome browse to the following link: https://unifi.ui.com/
Click sign in under the Unifi Protect Logo
Enter the following credentials (case sensitive):
User Name: cratesblvlguest
pass: Cratesbelleville420
Once logged in select live view on the far right side of the camera you wish to see and that’s it!

Mobile Instructions
Install the “Unifi Protect” app from Playstore or Itunes.
Open the app and enter the following credentials (case sensitive):
User Name: cratesblvlguest
pass: Cratesbelleville420


Marina Gallery